There is a possibility of disastrous consequences Experts say an Iraq war could end quickly - and go very wrong: An attack on Iraq could well result in a quick U.S. victory with minimum casualties, but there is also a possibility of disastrous consequences, from mushroom clouds to a Muslim world in rage and turmoil (NT)
Chi conosce gli strumenti della pace Links world poverty with terror: Poverty in the developing world is directly linked with increasing terrorism, the trade secretary, Patricia Hewitt, has warned.(Guardian)
1:04:27 PM Friday, January 31, 2003.: Buiobuione
But oil will also likely be a priority in the conflict Iraq's Other Big B : Any war with Iraq is sure to focus on Baghdad, to achieve President Bush's stated objective of regime change. But oil will also likely be a priority in the conflict, and for that, U.S. forces will have to turn here (ABC)
Chi dichiara guerra Bush Warns Iraq It Has Only Weeks to Yield Weapons (NYT) Bush says Iraq endgame only weeks away (NT) Bush seeks decision on inIraq in weeks (MSNBC) Bush on Iraq: 'Weeks Not Months' (ABC)
1:03:49 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi sarà in guerra Bush to meet with like-minded ally Blair as decision on war nears: pressure on Iraq intensifies (UT) Eight European nations support U.S. war on Iraq (NT) Bush y Blair se re�nen(ElPais) Blair in U.S. (CNN) Bush, Blair to Talk About Iraq (Reuters) Bush y Blair se re�nen para tratar la fase cr�tica de la crisis (ElPais) Continuano i colloqui di Bush (Rainews) Blair pressed to back final deadline (Guardian) Aznar y Blair proponen una nueva resoluci�n (ElMundo) Jos� Maria Aznar s'expliquera le 5 f�vrier devant les parlementaires (LeMonde) Italy walks tightrope over Iraq (Guardian)
1:03:08 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi prepara le armi Pentagon: Jordan likely to allow U.S. troops (CNN) Des soldats am�ricains pr�sents dans le Nord irakien (LeFigaro) U.S. troop buildup around Iraq nears 90,000: The buildup of U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf region is now approaching 90,000 land, sea and air forces, and that number likely will double within two weeks, officials said Thursday. (NT)
1:02:17 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi prepara lo sperma Insurance policy: Troops freezing sperm: Some visit sperm bank as precaution before deployment (CNN)
1:01:51 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi vuole spaccare l'Europa U.S. Works to Consolidate Support at U.N.: White House focuses on European allies as it anticipates a vote on the use of force in Iraq. (LAT) Europe Divided on War (Reuters) L'Europe se divise (LeFigaro) Les Europ�ens affichent leurs divisions (LeMonde) Aggravation des divergences europ�ennes (LeMonde) Europe 8 back Bush on Iraq (CNN) Iraq split redraws the map of Europe (Independent) U.S. Leans on Different Set of Allies(Reuters) 'Gang of eight' provokes EU rift (Guardian)
1:00:54 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi si occupa della tensione Terrorismo. Bbc: al Qaida ha la "bomba atomica sporca" (Rainews) Al Qaeda: atomica sporca (Corriere) British scientists believe al-Qaida built dirty bomb (NT) U.S. Embassy in Berlin partly closed after warning (NT) Los terroristas que cometieron el doble atentado de Bali preparaban una segunda masacre (ElMundo)
12:59:34 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi lo ha capito da tempo Demonizing Saddam: Sure He�s Evil � But Does It Matter We�ve Heard All About It Before? Back in the Gulf War days, the first President Bush compared Saddam Hussein to Adolph Hitler � both bullies who gassed their own citizens, invaded weaker neighbors and committed atrocities. (ABC) Inhuman Enemy: Demonizing Opponents Has Long Been a Hallmark of War. During World War I, the German threat was depicted as a mad, marauding gorilla with a bloody club. (ABC)
12:59:19 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi della fuga degli ex amici Bush Is Backing Idea of Exile for Hussein : A meeting with the Saudi foreign minister fuels speculation about a possible deal. Some analysts dismiss the idea as wishful thinking (LAT) Little Hope for Saddam Exile Plan (ABC) Arab nations consider amnesty for Iraqi generals (NT)
12:58:59 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non legge i sondaggi Iraq, Berlusconi a Bush "Italia con gli Stati Uniti" (Repubblica) Berlusconi vola da Bush e annuncia: �Faremo la guerra, per evitare una strage� (Unità) Iraq. Berlusconi-Bush: tutti uniti per disarmare Saddam (Rainews) Old Alliance, New Relevance Blair's meeting with Bush evokes Roosevelt-Churchill decision on war. (WP) Democratic Rivals Seek Balance on War Support (WP) Iraqnophobia : With a villain like Saddam, why isn't war with Iraq a more popular proposition? (ABC)
12:58:46 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi li legge Cheney, Little Seen by Public, Plays a Visible Role for Bush: The vice president has almost disappeared from public view since last fall, but White House advisers say he is more powerful than ever. (NYT) The Kremlin: Russia Softens Opposition to Military Action in Iraq (NYT) German parliament ponders role of U.S. bases in Iraq action: Legal experts in parliament argued Thursday that Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's pledge to let the United States use German bases in a war with Iraq need not apply if Washington acts unilaterally. (NT)
12:58:24 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi li vota Espa�a es el pa�s de la UE con mayor rechazo popular a la guerra (ElMundo)
12:58:01 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non ritiene che la guerra si faccia in base ai sondaggi Blix Says He Saw Nothing to Prompt a War (NYT) Blix: No change from Iraq: Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix said he has seen no evidence of a promised increase in Iraqi cooperation and that he is still considering Baghdad's offer to return for further discussions on disarmament (CNN) IAEA: No Iraq 'material breach' (CNN) UN sets conditions for Iraq visit: UN chief weapons inspectors say Iraq must "move forward" before they will accept an invitation to return to Baghdad. (BBC) Le Forum social de Porto Alegre s'ach�ve sur des d�clarations antiguerre (LeMonde)
12:57:53 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi vuole parlare Iraq Invites Chief Arms Inspectors Back (ABC)
12:57:21 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non può parlare Iraqi specialists refuse private U.N. interviews: Two more Iraqi specialists refused requests Thursday to submit to private interviews in the U.N. search for signs of banned weapons in Iraq, the U.N. inspection agency reported. (NT)
12:57:14 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi continua a non dare prove U.S. May Give the U.N. Data on Iraqi Labs: Iraq's concealment of weapons programs, its purchase of materials for making weapons and its ties to terrorist groups will form the crux of Colin L. Powell's U.N. presentation (NYT)
12:57:04 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi finisce il lavoro Iraq Expels Families From Kurdish Border (ABC)
12:56:52 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non usufruirà della ripresa economica AOL Time Warner : 100 milliards de pertes (LeFigaro)
12:56:35 PM .: Buiobuione
L'Afghanistan liberata. Forse.
Chi non tornerà a casa Helicopter Crash Near Afghan Base (LAT) Cuatro muertos al estrellarse un helic�ptero (ElMundo) U.S. Army helicopter crashes in Afghanistan; 4 killed (NT) Four killed in U.S. chopper crash in Afghanistan (CNN) U.S. Army Sifts Through Afghan Helicopter Wreckage (Reuters) U.S. Army Helicopter Crashes: All four Americans aboard were killed when the UH-60 Black Hawk went down near the Bagram air base in Afghanistan, a U.S. official said. (ABC) Four dead in US helicopter crash (BBC)
12:56:15 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi tornava a casa Road Mine Blast Kills 16 (Reuters) Bomba contro bus (Unità) Kandahar: 18 morti. (Rainews) 18 killed in Afghan explosion (UT) Explosion Kills 16 (NYT) Bomb Kills 18 (WP) 18 killed in Afghan bomb blast (MSNBC) At least 8 dead in explosion (CNN) Road Mine Blast Kills 16 (ABC) 'Many dead' in Afghan explosion (BBC) US troops hunt Afghan rebels (BBC) No unity among Afghan rebels (BBC) Una fuerte explosi�n mata a al menos 18 personas (ElMundo)
12:55:20 PM .: Buiobuione
Iran, la seconda tappa della guerra Chi inizia a parlare di Iran Iran releases dissident cleric (BBC) Le retour en gr�ce de l'ex-dauphin de Khomeyni (LeFigaro) Iranian dissident cleric free to speak out again (Iran)
12:49:00 PM .: Buiobuione
Corea, ultima tappa Chi sta già parlando di Corea Satellites Said to See Activity at North Korean Nuclear Site (NYT) Claim Bolstered That N. Korea Took Summit Bribe (LAT) N.K., in its first reaction to President Bush's State of the Union address, labeled his comments an "undisguised declaration of aggression." (LAT)N.K. calls Bush speech a 'declaration of aggression' (NT) N.K. nuke site activity reported (MSNBC) North Korea: 'Nuke crisis not our fault' (CNN) North Korea Slams Bush's State of Union Address (Reuters) Pentagon: N.K. Not Mobilizing Army (ABC)
12:48:32 PM .: Buiobuione
La vittoria di Sharon Rastrellamento in Cisgiordania: due palestinesi morti a Jenin (Rainews) Israeli Forces Raid 2 Cities in West Bank (NYT) 4 Palestinians Die in Clashes (LAT) Israeli undercover troops kill 2 Palestinians (NT) Palestinian Gunman, Bystander Killed in West Bank (Reuters) Israeli Troops Kill W. Bank Militia Chief (ABC) Palestinian Gunman, Bystander Killed (Reuters) Palestinian Gunman, Bystander Killed in West Bank (ABC) Vaste op�ration isra�lienne � H�bron, incertitude sur le gouvernement Sharon (LeMonde) El Ej�rcito israel� mata a siete activistas palestinos (ElMundo)
12:46:55 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi-ssenefrega [Italia] Napoli, presi 30 pakistani L'accusa: "Sono terroristi" (Repubblica) Terrorismo. Arrestati 28 pakistani a Napoli: sequestrato esplosivo. A Torino cellula di al Qaida (Rainews) Arrestati 28 pachistani: terrorismo (Corriere) Detenidos en Italia 28 presuntos terroristas isl�micos (ElMundo)
12:42:27 PM .: Buiobuione
[USA] Usa, si dimette Richard Clarke, lo �zar� dell�antiterorrismo cyberspaziale (Unità)
12:41:59 PM .: Buiobuione
[Venezuela] Court Keeps Both Sides Guessing: Once thought to be under the control of beleaguered President Chavez, judges have favored him one day, the opposition the next. (LAT) Venezuelan strike weakens; Chavez opponents seek early elections (NT) Hugo Chavez accused of threatening bankers (NT) Venezuelan drive to oust Chavez shifts strategy to early elections (CNN) After 60 Days, Venezuela Strike Weakens (ABC)
12:41:46 PM .: Buiobuione
[Messico] Probe forces closure of visa section of U.S. consulate in Mexico (NT)
12:41:27 PM .: Buiobuione
[Costa d'Avorio] Ivory Coast's Residents Look for the Exit (NYT) Les Fran�ais d'Abidjan se sentent pris en otages (LeFigaro) C�te d'Ivoire : la diplomatie fran�aise critiqu�e (LeMonde) Las tropas francesas se enfrentan a centenares de 'patriotas' en el aeropuerto de Abidjan (ElMundo)
12:41:17 PM .: Buiobuione
[Belgio] Belgio. Parlamento approva i matrimoni omosessuali (Rainews)
12:40:58 PM .: Buiobuione
[Francia] Affaire Elf : Le Floch Prigent s'en remet � la justice (LeFigaro)
12:40:46 PM .: Buiobuione
[Brasile] Lula Launches Plan to Vanquish Hunger in Brazil (Reuters)
12:40:35 PM .: Buiobuione
[Guatemala] U.S. Lists Guatemala's Anti-Drug Cooperation as Inadequate (NYT)
12:40:23 PM .: Buiobuione
[Zimbabwe] African Food Shortages Ending Everywhere Except in Zimbabwe (NYT) Les Quinze ne sont pas d'accord sur le renouvellement des sanctions contre le Zimbabwe (LeMonde)
12:40:12 PM .: Buiobuione
[Nigeria] Nigeria challenger Buhari launches election campaign (CNN)
12:39:56 PM .: Buiobuione
[Congo] Congo rebels evacuate town in compliance with peace deal (NT)
12:39:44 PM .: Buiobuione
[Rwanda] Rwanda launches 'rehab' for killers: Re-education camps are being opened on Friday for those who admit involvement in the 1994 genocide, as part of a mass inmate release.(BBC)
12:39:35 PM .: Buiobuione
[Mozambique] Court to rule on Mozambique murder (BBC)
12:39:18 PM .: Buiobuione
[Russia] Russian Cargo Plane Crashes in E.Timor, 6 Feared Dead (ABC) Russian plane crashes in Timor (CNN) Russia expels US woman (Guardian)
12:39:11 PM .: Buiobuione
[India] L'Inde exclut une reprise du dialogue avec le Pakistan (LeMonde)
12:38:51 PM .: Buiobuione
[Cambogia] Cambodia Apologizes to Thailand Over Riot (NYT) Cambodia apologises to Thais (BBC) Retour au calme � Phnom Penh, apr�s l'incendie de l'ambassade de Tha�lande (LeMonde)
12:38:40 PM .: Buiobuione
[Australia] Commuter train derails near Sydney; 9 confirmed dead (NT) Nine dead in Sydney train crash (CNN)
12:38:27 PM .: Buiobuione
The recolonisation of Iraq cannot be sold as liberation (Guardian)
12:41:25 PM Thursday, January 30, 2003.: Buiobuione
Chi apparecchia Italy offers U.S. bases (NT) Berlusconi oggi da Bush (Rainews) Londra, il premier incontra Blair "Posizione comune sull'Iraq" (Repubblica) Colin Powell: l'Italia in trincea al fianco degli Stati Uniti (Unità) Bush, Berlusconi to Discuss 'Next Steps' on Iraq (Reuters) Irak : les Europ�ens qui soutiennent Bush (LeMonde) Blair abordar� hoy con Aznar la crisis iraqu� antes de reunirse con Bush en Camp David (ElPais) Aznar y otros siete l�deres europeos apoyan en una carta a Bush frente a Irak (ElMundo) Times: appello di otto leader europei per sostenere Bush (Timesonline)
12:41:01 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi prepara il pasto U.S. Set to Push for a U.N. Debate on War With Iraq (NYT) U.S. Begins Its 'Final' Effort on Diplomacy (LAT) Iraq 'Final Phase' Opens With U.S. Persuasion Blitz (WP) U.S. Begins a 'Final' Push on Diplomacy (LAT) Washington Starts Last Diplomatic Push to Avoid War (Reuters) George Bush convoque l'ONU et promet des preuves contre l'Irak (LeMonde) George W. Bush r�solu � livrer bataille contre Saddam hussein (LeFigaro)
12:40:06 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi si è già seduto Jordanian reversal: Officials will permit stationing of U.S troops (MSNBC) Jordan receives first batch of F-16 fighter jets from U.S.: Jordan received six F-16 fighter jets on Wednesday, the first batch out of 16 attack aircraft donated by the United States to its longtime Arab ally. (NT) Jordan Would Allow Troops (WP) Anxious Turkey bolsters troops on Iraqi border (Guardian)
12:39:48 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi ha già cominciato El Pent�gono admite que tiene soldados en Irak (ElMundo) Iraq. Pentagono, i soldati americani sono gi� nel Nord del Paese (Rainews) Some U.S. Forces in Northern Iraq (NYT) Pentagon: Special Forces in northern Iraq (CNN)
12:39:27 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi cerca nell'archivio di famiglia Bush Officials Debate Release of Iraq Secrets (NYT) Powell to bring photos to U.N.: U.S. says pictures prove Iraq may posess mobile weapons labs. (UT) US: Iraq is spying on inspectors Powell hopes to take evidence to UN. (Guardian) Powell to present 'proof' of Saddam's banned weapons (Independent)
12:39:16 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi si occupa della fuga in motocicletta Making the case Powell briefs Congress on Iraq, offers Saddam exile (MSNBC) U.S. would help find haven for Saddam, Powell says: The Bush administration, weighing whether to set a deadline for Saddam Hussein to disarm, offered on Wednesday to try to help find a haven for the Iraqi president and his "henchmen" as a way to avert war. (NT)
12:39:03 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi provoca Blair steps up global propaganda war on Iraq (Independent) Britain's Blair says Iraq has links to al-Qaida (NT) Bush tries to draw link from Iraq to al Qaeda (CNN) U.S. Focuses on Iraqi Links to Al Qaeda (NYT) U.S. Renews Iraq-Al Qaeda Link (LAT) Bush: Iraq, al Qaeda linked (CNN) Iraq UN Envoy Warns of Attacks on U.S. Interests (Reuters)
12:38:42 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi abbocca all'amo Trinidadian Islamic group threatens to use chemical and biological weapons (Independent) Iraq war may spur terrorism: Islamic extremists are winning recruits in Europe because of tensions over Iraq, and a war could trigger terror attacks, France's top terrorism investigator says (NT) Germany tightens security at U.S., Israeli embassies: Police tightened security Wednesday at U.S. and Israeli embassies in the German capital, acting on intelligence reports suggesting an attack was planned (NT)
12:38:09 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non abbocca Le Forum social de Porto Alegre s'ach�ve sur des d�clarations antiguerre (LeMonde) Evidence Called Strong, Not Decisive (WP) The Europeans: France and Germany Praise U.S. Pledge to Disclose Evidence on Iraq (NYT) Security Council divided over the next step (Independent) IAEA's Elbaradei Says Iraq Not in Material Breach (Reuters) Iraqi rejects Washington's al-Qaida link (NT)
12:37:47 PM .: Buiobuione
E intanto l'economia della guerra non gira Le risque de guerre embarrasse la Fed et t�tanise le monde des affaires (LeFigaro) Economy, War Not Separable: consumer confidence has tumbled and energy prices have climbed (LAT) AOL Reporting Further Losses (NYT) Turner steps down from AOL (UT) AOL-Time Warner : d�part surprise de Ted Turner (LeFigaro) La crise irakienne a repouss� l'horizon d'un r�f�rendum britannique sur l'euro (LeMonde) Business clashes with Bush over race (Guardian)
12:36:52 PM .: Buiobuione
Come non gira la pace voluta dalla guerra Afghanistan: Allies scour Afghan caves after fierce battle (CNN) Three Held in Kabul on Anti-US Bomb Plot Suspicion (Reuters) Many Afghan Rebels May Have Fled U.S. Bombs-Official (Reuters) Many Afghan Rebels May Have Fled U.S. Bombs-Official (Reuters)
12:36:03 PM .: Buiobuione
Puzzle for Israel: What Does Sharon Want? Puzzle for Israel: What Does Sharon Want? As Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set about wooing potential coalition partners, a familiar question recurred in Israeli political circles: What does Mr. Sharon want? (NYT)
12:33:11 PM .: Buiobuione
Sharon rebuffs Arafat offer of peace talks: A day after his election victory, Ariel Sharon on Wednesday rebuffed an offer by Yasser Arafat to resume peace talks - an indication the Israeli prime minister will stick to his tough policies in his second term. (NT) Teen Palestinian killed as violence dots Mideast : Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian teenager while leveling land in Gaza on Wednesday, and Palestinian gunmen wounded an Israeli father and his 10-year-old son in a West Bank shooting. (NT) Israeli Troops Raid Hebron in Search of Militants (Reuters) Cisgiordania, vasta operazione israeliana a Hebron (Rainews)
12:32:42 PM .: Buiobuione
Israel's Election Leaves Its Arabs Cold (LAT) Sharon: join me or we vote again (Guardian) Sharon pushes hard to draw Labour into unity coalition (Independent) Sharon arrasa en las elecciones legislativas de Israel y ofrece un gobierno de unidad nacional (ElMundo) Ariel Sharon en qu�te d'une coalition (LeFigaro) Sharon turns to coalition building (CNN) Arabs in Israel Snub Election: Arab parties lost ground in the Knesset as widespread apathy among non-Jewish voters caused many to shun the polls (LAT)
12:31:52 PM .: Buiobuione
Iran, la seconda tappa Iran : le retour en gr�ce de l'ex-dauphin de Khomeyni (LeFigaro)
12:31:26 PM .: Buiobuione
Corea, obiettivo finale North Korea accuses U.S. of using 'serpent' strategy: North Korea accused the United States on Wednesday of adopting a "serpent" strategy to strangle the communist country after President Bush warned it would suffer isolation and economic hardship unless it abandons its nuclear ambitions (NT)
12:31:15 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi-ssenefrega [USA] AIDS Policy Shift a Surprise Evangelicals, liberals joined forces to push for more U.S. help for Africa. (WP) S. Africa Has Doubts on U.S. AIDS Proposal Officials worry that the $15 billion promised by Bush won't get to those who need the aid. (LAT)
12:31:00 PM .: Buiobuione
[Italia] Berlusconi si mette fuori dalla legalit�: �Io rispondo solo agli elettori� (Unità) Berlusconi contro i giudici "E' persecuzione politica" (Repubblica) Berlusconi Charges Bias After a Setback in Court (NYT) Berlusconi perd une manche contre les juges (LeFigaro) Berlusconi s'insurge contre la magistrature (LeMonde) Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, went into battle with the country's judiciary yesterday.(Guardian)
12:30:32 PM .: Buiobuione
[Belgio] Oil from sunken ship washing up on Belgian coast: Oil leaking from the sunken cargo ship Tricolor is washing up on the Belgian coastline, damaging wildlife and beaches, officials said Wednesday (NT)
12:30:19 PM .: Buiobuione
[Francia] El tribunal absuelve al ex ministro franc�s Dumas por el 'caso Elf': El ex ministro franc�s de Exteriores Roland Dumas, de 80 a�os, ha sido absuelto por el Tribunal de Apelaci�n de Par�s, en el juicio sobre uno de los esc�ndalos de corrupci�n en la antigua petrolera p�blica Elf. (ElMundo) Affaire Elf : Roland Dumas d�finitivement innocent� (LeFigaro) Paris: Dumas cleared in corruption case (CNN)
12:30:04 PM .: Buiobuione
[Costa D'Avorio] C�te d'Ivoire : l'accord de Marcoussis rejet� � Abidjan: La perspective d'un r�glement de la crise en C�te d'Ivoire apparaissait hier de plus en plus lointaine face au refus de l'arm�e et des partisans du pr�sident Laurent Gbagbo d'une entr�e des rebelles dans un gouvernement d'union nationale (LeFigaro) Ivory Coast Army Rejects Power-Sharing Deal With Rebels (NYT) French troops on alert for Ivory Coast evacuation 30 January 2003 (Independent)
12:29:44 PM .: Buiobuione
[Kenya] Kenya police free pupils chained, beaten at school (CNN) Boys rescued from Kenya's Islamic school of torture (Independent)
12:29:24 PM .: Buiobuione
[Liberia] Liberia moves against 'blood diamonds' (CNN)
12:29:15 PM .: Buiobuione
[Cambogia] Cambodian mob sets fire to Thai embassy: Protesters looted and set fire to the Thai Embassy in the Cambodian capital Wednesday after security forces allowed a nationalistic demonstration to get out of hand. (NT) Thais flee Phnom Penh (CNN) Cambodia Says Arrests 20 After Anti-Thai Riots (Reuters) Cambodian rioters burn Thai embassy: Thailand said yesterday it was withdrawing its ambassador from Cambodia and would evacuate its citizens from Phnom Penh after a nationalist mob set fire to the Thai embassy in the city and attacked Thai businesses (Independent)
12:29:05 PM .: Buiobuione
[Nepal] Nepalese rebels agree to ceasefire: Maoist rebels and the Nepalese government agreed to a ceasefire and peace talks yesterday to end nearly seven years of violence that has killed more than 7,000 people (Guardian) Nepal government, rebels agree to cease-fire, peace talks: Rebels and the Nepalese government agreed Wednesday to a cease-fire and peace talks to end nearly seven years of violence that has killed more than 7,000 people. (NT) Ceasefire is declared in Nepal (CNN)
12:28:41 PM .: Buiobuione
[Indonesia] U.S. Links Indonesian Troops to Deaths of 2 Americans: Bush administration officials have determined that Indonesian soldiers carried out a deadly ambush that killed two Americans last August. (NYT)
12:28:21 PM .: Buiobuione
[Colombia] Colombian rebels offer to release journalists to humanitarian group: Colombian rebels said Wednesday they were prepared to hand over two kidnapped foreign journalists to a humanitarian commission but warned the army not to mount a rescue attempt. (NT)
12:28:05 PM .: Buiobuione
[Argentina] Argentina. La Banca Mondiale concede prestiti per le famiglie pi� povere (Rainews) World Bank disburses funds for Argentina's poor (NT)
12:27:46 PM .: Buiobuione
[Venezuela] Ch�vez Raises Oil Production in Venezuela (NYT) Denuncian irregularidades en el fallo que suspendi� el refer�ndum consultivo en Venezuela (ElMundo)
12:27:26 PM .: Buiobuione
[Messico] U.S. consulate on Mexican border closed for visa investigation : The U.S. government announced Wednesday it has closed its busy consulate in the border city of Nuevo Laredo to investigate possible illegally issued visas.(NT)
12:25:42 PM .: Buiobuione
All together now. Perhaps
5:11:27 PM Wednesday, January 29, 2003.: Buiobuione
Chi non può più attendere per ricominciare a far girare la propria economia Bush Vows That He'll Disarm Iraq and Rebuild U.S. Economy (NYT) Bush prepares America for war, promises help for economy (NT) Bush Promises 'Full Force' if There Is Iraq War (Reuters) Bush : Saddam �ne d�sarme pas, il dissimule� (LeFigaro) Estados Unidos advierte de que no esperar� "a otros" para lanzar una acci�n contra Irak (ElPais) Bush: Saddam ignored 'final chance to disarm' (Independent) Bush Says U.S. Economy Not Growing Fast Enough (Reuters) War, Wall St. and history�s lessons (MSNBC) Une volont� de rassurer sur l'�tat de l'�conomie (LeFigaro)
5:03:51 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi si coccupa del consenso United jet evacuated in Boston : A flight waiting to depart Boston�s Logan Airport for San Francisco was evacuated after a passenger in the first-class cabin discovered a box cutter � the same object allegedly used by the hijackers on Sept. 11, 2001, local media reported Tuesday (MSNBC) FBI supervisors have been told to count the number of Muslims and mosques in their areas and interview Iraqi-Americans to assess how vulnerable they are to terrorist attack. (Guardian) Islamists Vow More Attacks on Americans in Kuwait (Reuters) La Maison-Blanche engage la seconde manche (LeFigaro)
5:03:42 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi dell'hardware Powell to Give Arms Evidence U.N. Security Council to get proof of Iraq's weapons program next week (WP) Powell will take evidence against Saddam to U.N. on Feb. 5, also pushes tax cuts, help for health care (UT) Powell may take U.S. intelligence to U.N. (CNN) Marines� gear arrives in Kuwait (MSNBC) Bush Says Powell to Deliver Iraq Intelligence to UN (Reuters) Bush Promises 'Full Force' if There Is Iraq War (Reuters)
5:00:30 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi del software Bush: il 5 febbraio le prove (Unità) Bush promette nuove prove contro Saddam (RN) Bush: contro Saddam nuove prove all'Onu il 5 febbraio (RN) Bush annonce des preuves contre l'Irak (LeMonde) Bush promises new arms evidence (MSNBC) Bush ofrecer� a la ONU pruebas contra Irak el 5 de febrero para justificar un ataque (ElMundo) Britain Accuses Baghdad (NYT)
5:00:05 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi dei link Bush New al-Qaida link to Iraq (Guardian) Bush Enlarges Case for War by Linking Iraq With Terrorists (NYT) U.S. says it has evidence of Iraqi weapons, al-Qaida links (NT) Bush Presses His Case Against Iraq in Address (LAT)
4:59:16 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi dei bug Afghanistan,in una notte diciotto morti (Unità) Al menos 18 talib�n muertos en los enfrentamientos m�s graves desde la 'Operaci�n Anaconda' (ElMundo) U.S. and Its Allies Fight Rebel Force on Afghan Peaks (NYT) GIs Scour Afghan Caves After Fighting (LAT) U.S. Forces Scour Afghan Mountains After Battle (Reuters) Hundreds of US troops locked in fiercest Afghan battle for nearly a year (Independent) US soldiers attack mountain hideout (Guardian)
4:58:30 PM .: Buiobuione
E chi dei gap In the event of war, how many Iraqi civilians will die? And how many will starve, or be displaced? In secret, the UN has been doing the sums. (Guardian)
4:57:01 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi conosce le versioni precedenti Bush leaves little dubt about war (UT) Kennedy Wants Bush to Give Congress Iraq 'Evidence' (Reuters) Russia, France wary of Bush threat (CNN) Russia Sees No Grounds for Use of Force in Iraq (Reuters) China: Inspectors should be given more time (CNN) Blix would welcome U.S. evidence (CNN) Blix: Iraq has 'many, many unanswered questions' (CNN) Asia reacts cautiously to Bush's speech (NT) - segue
4:45:41 PM .: Buiobuione
Moscow Says It Could Get Tough on Iraq: Russia has pushed a diplomatic solution but apparently doesn't want to anger the U.S. Britain says Baghdad is in 'material breach.' (LAT) South Africa's Mbeki opposes war in Iraq (CNN) Aznar explicar� el d�a 5 la postura de Espa�a sobre Irak (ElMundo) Responding to Blix, Iraq Is Deferential Baghdad says it's 'ready to cooperate further,' but it offers no new initiatives to help U.N. arms inspectors. (LAT) Bagdad se dit pr�t � �coop�rer encore plus� (LeFigaro)
4:45:30 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non vuole essere la versione successiva Iran to use Blair talks to show support (Guardian) Corea del Nord. Da Pyongyang timidi segnali di disgelo nella crisi nucleare (RN) N. Korea's Kim Snubs Southern Delegates (LAT) S.Korean Envoy Says North's Kim to Consider Plea (Reuters) Le Sud-Cor�en Lee nouveau directeur de l'OMS (LeFigaro)
4:44:46 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non è stato riconoscente Germans on trial over sales of arms technology bound for Iraq : The prosecutor in the trial of two Germans accused of illegally shipping arms technology to Iraq called for a six-year prison sentence for the chief defendant, describing him Tuesday as "the prototype of a dubious businessman" who puts profits ahead of ethics. (NT)
4:44:24 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi lo è stato Ethiopia: Bush anuncia un plan de 15.000 millones de d�lares para luchar contra el sida en el mundo (ElMundo) Washington writes off $30m Ethiopian debt as famine threatens (Guardian)
4:43:34 PM .: Buiobuione
Israeli voters firmly reject the peace camp by re-electing Ariel Sharon (Guardian)
4:43:17 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi ha votato Israele, il trionfo di Sharon (Repubblica) Il �falco� Sharon riconquista Israele. (Unità) Sharon raddoppia i seggi (RN) Israeli Voters Hand Sharon Strong Victory (NYT) Sharon Wins Easily in Israel (LAT) Sharon wins Israeli election (MSNBC) Sharon claims 'great victory' (CNN) Sharon Wins Big, Israel's Left Collapses (Reuters) Ariel Sharon reconduit � la t�te d'Isra�l (LeFigaro) Large victoire de Sharon (LeMonde) Sharon arrasa en las elecciones (ElMundo) Voters snub peace (Independent)
4:42:28 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi non potrà più votare Nueve palestinos mueren y 15 resultan heridos durante la jornada electoral en Israel (ElMundo) Seven Palestinians killed as Israelis vote (NT)
4:37:22 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi aspetta il processo El hijo de Sharon, investigado por corrupci�n, ser� diputado (ElMundo)
4:37:05 PM .: Buiobuione
La grande paura France Ready to Evacuate Citizens from Ivory Coast (Reuters) La grande peur des Fran�ais de C�te d'Ivoire (LeFigaro) Ivory Coast Army Rejects Power-Sharing Deal With Rebels (NYT) Ivorian Army Rejects Accord (LAT) Ivory Coast army opposes peace deal; 10 die in ethnic clashes (NT) Ivory Coast truce protests spread (CNN) Protestations contre l'accord de Marcoussis (LeMonde) Ethnic riots kill six in Ivory Coast (Independent)
4:36:25 PM .: Buiobuione
Gli spari sopra Chi da giorni continua a cascare Unmanned Indian spy plane said shot down over Pakistan-controlled Kashmir (NT) Pakistan 'downs' unmanned Indian spy plane (CNN)
4:35:48 PM .: Buiobuione
I giornalisti sotto
Colombian Rebels Free TV Crew (LAT) Colombian rebels holding journalists demand halt to military operations (NT) U.S. journalists face new risks in Colombia: Last week's kidnapping of two Western journalists in one of this country's most dangerous provinces was apparently not an accident of timing (NT) Colombian rebels to free journalists (CNN)
4:35:16 PM .: Buiobuione
Chi-ssenefrega [Italia] Berlusconi perd une manche contre les juges (LeFigaro) El Supremo italiano rechaza el traslado de un proceso contra Berlusconi a otro juzgado (ElMundo) Court rejects Berlusconi's bid to move bribery trial (Independent) Berlusconi vola nelle capitali della guerra. E concede le basi agli aerei di Bush (Unità) Shoah, polemica sul ricordo "Dall'Italia messaggi vaghi" (Repubblica)
4:34:36 PM .: Buiobuione
[Filippine] Bomb explodes during defusing, injures 21 in Philippines (NT) [Cameroon] 70 killed in Cameroon bus crash (NT) [Messico] 4 Mexican Officials, Civilian Slain in Shootout in Chiapas (LAT) Police ambushed in Mexico; 5 killed in gunbattle (NT) [Indonesia] Landslides kill 14 in Indonesian village (NT) [Rwanda] releasing genocide suspects to foster reconciliation (NT) [Ethiopia] Evolving struggles with press freedoms (NT)
4:34:02 PM .: Buiobuione
[Honduras] Body of American priest-turned-guerilla said found in Honduras (LAT) [Congo] Congolese tell of rebel cannibalism : Hiding in bushes, Amuzati Nzoli watched as rebel soldiers turned from killers into cannibals: His 6-year-old nephew was their victim (NT) [Brasile] Chirac et Lula pour des relations "�quitables" (LeMonde) [Cina] China defends Tibetan execution (CNN)
4:33:25 PM .: Buiobuione
nHow I created the axis of evil It is the phrase that defines the Bush era - and Washington insiders are betting on whether it will turn up again in today's State of the Union address (Guardian)
12:06:58 PM Tuesday, January 28, 2003.: Buiobuione
[News] Bush intentar� recuperar popularidad con un discurso (ElMundo) Bush appelle la publicit� � la rescousse (LeFigaro) U.S. prepares evidence (CNN) Bush will try to convince Americans of Iraq threat (MSNBC) U.S. to Release Evidence Of Weapons (WP) U.S. Seeks Right Formula for Consensus on Iraq (LAT) U.S. claims �broad evidence� on weapons (MSNBC) Bush to Use Speech to Gird America for Possible War (Reuters) U.S. to Make Iraqi Weapons Intelligence Public-Post (Reuters) UK and US claim justification as Blix accuses Baghdad of lies (Guardian)
12:06:41 PM .: Buiobuione
[News] The Blix Report: Anthrax, missiles and nerve gas... all missing (Independent) Los inspectores piden tiempo a la ONU y m�s colaboraci�n a Irak (ElMundo) Iraq, la promessa di Aziz "Pi� aiuto agli ispettori" (Repubblica) Gli ispettori attaccano Saddam ma chiedono pi� tempo. (Unità) U.N. Inspector Says Iraq Falls Short on Cooperation (NYT) Report Hails No Clear Verdict (WP) Chief inspector critical of Iraq in U.N. report (NT) Allies stand firm to Iraq (UT) - continua
12:06:18 PM .: Buiobuione
[News] Iraq Seems Unwilling to Give Up Weapons, U.N. Inspector Says (LAT) Mixed verdict Something for both sides in U.N. report (MSNBC) EEUU y Reino Unido dicen que Irak no ha cumplido (ElMundo) Los inspectores piden m�s tiempo a EE UU y mayor cooperaci�n a Irak (ElPais) Irak : Blix force Bush � l'attente (LeFigaro) | Les inspecteurs veulent plus de temps (LeMonde) L'Union europ�enne � la recherche d'un consensus sur l'Irak (LeMonde) More inspections, not conflict, say Europeans (Independent) Blix's verdict on Iraqi weapons (Guardian) Inspectors expose Iraq's weapons violations (Independent)
12:05:51 PM .: Buiobuione
[News] Bush avvia consultazioni con gli alleati (RN) Bush: �Siamo agli sgoccioli� (Unità) Bush address may go light on Iraq. Evidence may come later (UT) Australian prime minister says Iraq in 'material breach' of U.N. resolution (NT) U.S. to offer proof on Iraq (CNN) Bush to make case for war, economic plan (CNN) Britain 'Material Breach' of U.N. (Reuters) Powell "Iraq Is Running Out of Time to Disarm" (Reuters) Si Bagdad ne d�sarme pas pacifiquement, les Etats-Unis "se r�servent le droit d'utiliser la force" (LeMonde)
12:01:55 PM .: Buiobuione
[News] Waiting for war: Baghdad reports on Iraqi reactions to Hans Blix's UN report (Guardian) Baghdad accuses Powell of lies (NT) Iraq: Baghdad proclaims its innocence (Guardian) Bagdad amenaza con invadir Kuwait si colabora en una ofensiva militar contra Irak (ElMundo)
11:57:31 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Iraq. Turchia, il governo tratta con Washinton il prezzo per il s� alla guerra (RN) U.S. offers Turkey billions in aid for cooperation in Iraq war (NT)
11:57:10 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Arab world: US flag burnt in protests (Guardian)
11:56:54 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] An engineered crisis World dispatch: The desire for hegemony over the Middle East - not Iraq's weaponry or even its oil - is America's real motivation for war (Guardian) A Critical Test for Bush: The president will spend the week trying to convince the country, and a skeptical world, that war is the only way to deal with Iraq (NYT)
11:56:43 AM .: Buiobuione
Israele al voto
[News] Israele al voto, urne aperte tensione, Sharon favorito (Repubblica) Israele. Aperte le urne per il voto (RN) Sharon Has Big Edge in Election Today (WP) Israel Heads Hopelessly Into Election (LAT) Voters head to the polls in Israel (NT) Sharon appears certain to win in Israel (CNN) Israeli Election Begins, Sharon Favored to Win (Reuters) El partido de Sharon teme un desplome de los laboristas que impida un gobierno de coalici�n (ElMundo) Sharon on course for fragile success (Guardian)
11:56:22 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Incursione a Jenin: uccisi due palestinesi. Esplosione a Gaza: morti tre palestinesi (RN) Palestinian refugees' disgust with the Arab world spurs religious activism (WP) Teens Killed in Explosion in Gaza (NYT) Three Palestinians killed in Gaza explosion (NT) 'Four killed' in Gaza explosion (CNN) Army Kills Two Palestinians as Israelis Vote (Reuters) Al menos cinco palestinos muertos por disparos israel�es en Gaza y Cisjordania (ElMundo) Israel acude a las urnas mientras la violencia se cobra la vida de cinco palestinos (ElPais) Elections en Isra�l, incursion � J�nine (LeMonde)
11:55:50 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] U.S., allies kill 18 in fierce Afghan gunfight (CNN) Afghanistan. Battaglia in corso tra soldati Usa e ribelli (RN) U.S. Forces Fighting Afghan Rebels (NYT) Battle Rages in Afghanistan (WP) U.S. Forces Fight Afghan Rebels (LAT) U.S., coalition forces fight battle against Afghan rebels (NT) Battle raging in Afghanistan (MSNBC) U.S., Afghan Forces Battle Rebels in Mountains (Reuters)
11:55:08 AM .: Buiobuione
Costa D'Avorio [News] Anti-French Rioting Rages on in Ivory Coast : Government supporters vented their anger with an accord, brokered by France, which envisions rebel groups sharing power with the government. (NYT) Loyalist mobs riot in Ivory Coast (NT) Gbagbo to address nation on peace plan (CNN) Nouvelles manifestations antifran�aises � Abidjan (LeFigaro) Ivory Coast in chaos as angry mobs reject French deal (Independent)
11:54:35 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Aides to Korean Leaders Consult An envoy from Seoul goes north to discuss its rival's nuclear plans. But ending the crisis on the peninsula, he predicts, 'will take a long time.' (LAT) U.S. pilot apologizes for South Korea crash (NT) U.S. apologizes to spy plane crash victims (CNN) S. Korean envoy 'to meet Kim Jong Il' (CNN) Seoul Envoy to Meet N.Korea Leader on Nuclear Crisis (Reuters)
11:54:08 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Porto Alegre, scienziati e ispettori no-global negli arsenali di Bush (Unità) Activists at Brazil forum denounce U.S. influence on world economics (NT)
11:51:20 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] India, Pakistan resume shelling along Kashmir border (NT) Crash in India kills 42 Passenger bus collides with truck; 13 hurt (UT) 42 killed in collision between bus, truck in India (NT) Fire Engulfs Indian Bus, Killing at Least 36 (Reuters)
11:50:50 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Defining S. Africa's Future The fight against AIDS is as dire as the struggle against Apartheid (WP)
11:50:35 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] U.S. Concerned About Execution of Tibetan (Reuters)
11:50:19 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Iran's leading dissident cleric to be freed from house arrest (Independent) Iran to Release Dissident Cleric (LAT)
11:50:00 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Zimbabwe sanctions face collapse after EU rift (Independent)
11:49:43 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Official insists government in control of Colombia's violent Arauca state (NT)
11:49:31 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Teacher in southern China reportedly stabs dead 6 children (NT)
11:49:21 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Web Recovers from Worm Attack, Variants Feared (Reuters)
11:49:10 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Mexican farm groups reject policy talks with government (NT)
11:49:00 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] One dead in Turkish earthquake (CNN)
11:48:52 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] UK firefighters on 48-hour strike (CNN)
11:48:40 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Cameroon: Bus crash on nation's main highway kills at least 70 (CNN)
11:48:26 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Two killed as passenger trains collide in French tunnel (NT)
11:48:13 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] El Parlamento serbio aprueba la Carta Constitucional del futuro Estado de Serbia y Montenegro (ElMundo)
11:47:55 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Ch�vez anuncia un sistema de control de precios en Venezuela (ElMundo)
11:47:42 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Un grupo isl�mico de Trinidad afirma que fabrica armas qu�micas contra EEUU y Reino Unido (ElMundo)
11:47:33 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] La corrosi�n romper� los tanques de fuel del 'Prestige' en un periodo de entre 23 y 40 a�os (ElPais)
11:47:16 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Massacre de Srebrenica : une commission d'enqu�te n�erlandaise critique les Nations unies et les Pays-Bas (LeMonde)
11:47:05 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] New Zealand clones cows for cheaper cheese (Guardian)
11:46:53 AM .: Buiobuione
[News] Court blocks Japan's nuclear plans (Guardian)
11:46:46 AM .: Buiobuione